Five Early Warning Signs of Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore — Health’s Sea
You might think that when it comes to cancer, the earlier you catch it, the better your chances of recovery. This couldn’t be more true — early cancer warnings are incredibly important and, in some cases, they can mean the difference between life and death. Take these five early warning signs of cancer as an example…
Black, tarry stool
Most people who experience black, tarry stool are actually suffering from bleeding in their upper intestines (most often a condition called colitis). This is obviously not cancer. However, it’s important to see your doctor if you suspect that you have bleeding in your digestive tract since it may indicate another underlying problem. Colitis, for example, is usually caused by an autoimmune disease or irritable bowel syndrome and may need additional treatment. In some cases, black stool could be caused by stomach ulcers which may also require treatment. Additionally, blood loss can be dangerous and even fatal if severe enough so it’s imperative that you don’t ignore these symptoms and talk to your doctor if you see anything resembling black stool in your toilet bowl.
Straining during bowel movements
As you age, it’s normal to have to work harder for a bowel movement. But if you’re straining and nothing comes out, that’s a sign that something is up with your colon or rectum. Abdominal pain or cramping: If you’re having cramps or pain in your lower abdomen-especially when combined with constipation-it could be a sign of cancer. Fecal incontinence: When poop leaks out, even if you haven’t exerted much effort (or any at all), it can be a very serious warning sign.
A change in bowel habits
The first sign of colon cancer can be that your bowel movements are different. Normally, waste passes through your large intestine in a predictable manner, and you have stools at fairly regular intervals. If they get bigger or smaller than normal, or if you have fewer or more frequent bowel movements than usual, tell your doctor. That’s because if there’s a change in your bowel habits it may indicate that something isn’t right with your colon (the last part of your digestive tract). Bowel irregularities can also be caused by other issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), but those generally tend to come and go over time.
Pain while passing a stool
Patients often tell me that they have painful bowel movements. This discomfort may be caused by a variety of factors: constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome or a small anal fissure. However, I must warn you not to ignore these symptoms because they can be early signs of colon cancer. In fact, some studies suggest that abnormal stool consistency and shape are up to 80% sensitive in detecting colorectal carcinoma in patients who present with hematochezia and no alarm symptoms (1). If you experience blood on your stool or you notice it is abnormally hard or lumpy then you should see your doctor immediately for further testing and treatment.
Rectal bleeding
One common sign of colorectal cancer is rectal bleeding. Often, rectal bleeding is an indication that there are polyps in your colon, which may become cancerous if left untreated. Fortunately, it’s one of several early warning signs of cancer you should be familiar with. If you experience blood in your stool and don’t know why, see a doctor as soon as possible to rule out a serious medical condition like colorectal cancer.
Originally published at on February 15, 2022.