How Do I Get Started in Digital Marketing?
Marketing your company online, whatever you call digital marketing, online marketing, or internet advertising, is a big deal these days. After all, internet usage has more than doubled in the last decade, causing a significant shift in how people buy things and engage with businesses.
Digital marketing is a way to connect with and influence your potential customers through the internet. Like any other type of marketing, digital marketing.
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing, in its most basic form, refers to any online marketing efforts or assets. Email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, and even blogging are all examples of digital marketing which help people know about your business and buy from you.
Here are some of the most prevalent digital marketing assets and strategies in use by companies to reach out to their customers online:
Almost anything can be a digital marketing asset. It simply needs to be a marketing tool you use online. That being said, many people don’t realize how many digital marketing assets they have at their disposal. Here are just a few examples:
• Your website
• Branded assets (logos, icons, acronyms, etc)
• Video content (video ads, product demos, etc)
• Photos (infographics, product shots, company photos, etc)
• Written content (blog posts, eBooks, product descriptions, testimonials, etc)
• Online tools or goods (SaaS, calculators, interactive content, etc)
• Evaluations
• Pages on social media
As you would expect, this list just touches the surface. The majority of digital marketing assets will fit into one of these categories, but as intelligent marketers continue to come up with new methods to contact clients online, the list will continue to grow!
Digital Marketing Strategies:
1-PAY-PER-CLICK Advertising.
2-Paid Search Advertising.
3-Search Engine Optimazition(SEO).
4-Paid Social Media Advertising.
5-Social Media Marketing.
6-Conversation Rate Optimization(CRO).
7-Content Marketing.
8-Native Marketing.
9-Email Marketing.